Wednesday 30 March 2011

what is love?

Love means something different to everybody.  For me personally, I really do believe that love is all you need, whether it be the love shared between a parent and their child, best friends, siblings or a couple.  The following verse from the Bible, read at my parent's renewal of vows ceremony, perfectly sums up what love is to me:

Corinthians 13: 4-13
Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
      Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away.  For we know in part and we prophesy in part; but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away.  When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.  But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.

My idea of love can also be summed up by the poem written by Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City, which she read at her friend's wedding.  The words are beautifully written and every time I hear it, I think of Andrew and I.

mouth watering recipes.

Of all the household chores, cooking is my favourite.  I absolutely love to cook.  When I was growing up, I dreamt of becoming a chef.  I believe my love of cooking came from my Poppy who amazing at cooking.  Although I have a fair way to go until I'm as good at cooking as what he was, I do have lots of recipes that I love to make on a regular basis.

Linguine Alla Carbonara di Salsiccia

Tuesday 29 March 2011

joseph henderson millar and therese bernadette hethorn.

My dad's name is Joseph but most people call him Joe.  He was born and raised in Belfast, Northern Ireland until he was 15 before moving to Brisbane, Australia with his parents and two brothers to join his sister, who moved here a year before.  He's tall, has blue eyes just like mine and dark hair.

He works as a truck driver and has done for the past seven years.  He loves listening to BBC Radio on a Sunday morning whilst he cooks a huge breakfast for everyone.  His passion in life is sport, especially soccer, which he played for many years.  He is my coach and has been for the past 8 years.  Dad is my inspiration on the soccer field and I hope to one day be able to play like him.

My mum's name is Therese but most people call her Terri.  She was born in Brisbane and had three sisters and a brother.  She has black curly hair, brown eyes and is short like me.

She works at a school as a teacher aide and has done for twenty-five years.  She is currently studying her fine arts degree and hopes to become a secondary school teacher.  She is incredibly talented as an artist and I wish I could be as talented and creative as her.

My parents met through a mutual friend in 1986.  Whilst they were dating, they travelled overseas and came back a married couple after they went to Hollywood.  They have now been married for 24 years.

andrew thomas herbert.

My first and only ever real love is my fiancĂ©, Andrew.  We have been together for almost a year and a half and as each day goes by, I have loved him more and more.  I love his gorgeous green eyes, his beautiful personality, his amazing sense of humour and his kind heart.  I could spend every second of every day with him and never ever get bored.  

Andrew and I started going out at the beginning of 2010 and got engaged the same year.  We instantly knew that we shared a special bond and quickly realised that we were meant for one another.

The one thing that past relationships have taught me is that the love I have for Andrew is incredibly rare and that nothing has ever, or will ever, compare.  I've never experienced such strong feelings for anyone and I still get butterflies in my tummy whenever I'm around him.  I always knew that I would be with Andrew, I remember telling my best friend the night that I met him that I could see myself with him and that we would be together for a very long time.  Not only did this happen, but we're now engaged and looking forward to spending the rest of our lives together.      

This boy is most definitely the love of my life.  I believe that you can only truly love once and Andrew is my first and last.  He is a beautiful person who is so loving and caring.  He is the first person I have completely trusted and he is the one I want to share everything with for the rest of my life.  As corny as it sounds, I believe we complete each other.  We compliment each other and he make me so happy.  He is my best friend and my soul mate.  I love him to bits and pieces :)

Monday 28 March 2011

sierra maree millar.

My name is Sierra.  I’m a psychology student, a cleaner and a football player.  

The things I love most in life are my boyfriend, my family, my friends, my puppy dog Mickey and fishies, T2 tea, ‘pretty’ days, Liverpool, reading Archie comics in a beanbag on a rainy day whilst eating cookies with milk, dancing on a Saturday night with anyone who will be seen with me, anything vintage, Titans, photography, fishing, dark chocolate, The Saints, cute dresses, Tomato Brothers carbonara, I Love Billy shoes, music and all it’s types, GCU and the Roar, tutus, kisses and cuddles with Andy Pandy, inspiration boards, pretty tattoos and piercings, beers, cocktails, animals, The Powerpuff Girls, rainbows, fairies, lollypops, British comedies, clever American shows, beaches, road trips, old cartoons, vintage cars, charities, dress up parties, travel brochures, daydreaming and Baskins.  I also love playing soccer, which I have played for over 15 years and I really love it.
On week days you will usually find me either at uni or work or at training or with the boy.  On the weekends, I like to play soccer, hang out with my family and friends or out on special dates :) 
My idea of a perfect day would start by waking up next to my beautiful boyfriend, cuddling up next to one another as we watch the sunrise.  Then we would get out of bed, go for a run, have a big breakfast at a local cafe before going home and getting ready for a big day of shopping, where I would meet all my friends.  We’d have lunch at a nice restaurant after shopping before going home and getting ready for a night at the football.  We’d have a big family dinner before going out and dancing the night away.  What a lovely day :)
The kinds of people I enjoy the most are those who are happy, positive people who have a good sense of humour and are loyal.  That’s important to me because I think trust is an important thing in any kind of relationship and the easier it is to trust someone, the easier it is to wear your heart on your sleeve and be your complete self. 
My dreams for the future are to graduate as a sports psychologist, get married to Andrew and have three children and for my family and friends and I to live a happy and healthy life.  I am a worrier and that often times makes it difficult to make my dreams become a reality, but I am working hard to overcome my fears and make changes to my life in order to be successful.