Saturday 2 April 2011

i'll be there for you.

My best friend is Andrew.  We instantly became friends when we first met at the beginning of last year when our friend Jake introduced us at a local pub.  Jake and I had come from a party and decided to meet Andrew for a drink.  As I arrived straight from the party in fancy dress, Andrew mercilessly teased me and my choice of outfit and began the start of an amazing and fun-filled friendship.

My beautiful sister, Rhylea, is my best girl friend.  I remember the day I met her for the first time, the day she was born.  She was so tiny and she was too cute.  We have always been very close and have been through so much together.  She is the funniest person I know and can leave me in stitches for hours on end.  She is the most wonderful sister and friend I could possibly ask for and can't wait for her to be my maid of honour when Andrew and I get married.

My gorgeous friend, Charlie is one of the sweetest souls I have ever met.  I met her about eight years ago when she started playing at the same soccer club as me and we have been close ever since.  My fondest memories with Charlio consist of the times where we played in the back line together and had so much fun.  She has the kindest heart and I love her bubbly personality.  I love her to bits and pieces and would be lost without her.   

Ben is one of my dearest friends.  The first time I met him was when our mutual friend woke Ben up at a ridiculous hour so that he could pick him and his drunken friends up from the city before driving them to various spots all over Brisbane.  I will be forever grateful for that night and although he takes every opportunity to remind me of how much sleep he missed out on, I know that being the selfless person that he is, he doesn't really mind.  I can't wait for him to move out with us and pick us up from more late night drinking sessions to come!

I met Amelia through Andrew at the start of last year.  Andrew and I bumped into her in the city when we went on a shopping date.  This lovely girl offered to help dress me for my first unofficial date with Andrew the following night, having only met me minutes before.  She became my fashion guru immediately and we spent the rest of the night drinking and shopping.  That night I felt as though I was with a friend I had known for years, Amelia is one of the most fun people I know and love her easygoing nature.

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