Sunday 17 April 2011

ten things you should (but don't) know about me.

1.  There is very little in this world that a Spice Girls sing-a-long cannot fix.

2.  I am obsessed with writing lists and cannot start my day without making a to do list.

3.  I love the rain and find that the drearier the weather, the happier I am.  

4.  Once upon a time I could speak Japanese almost fluently.

5.  I played representative softball three weeks after picking up a bat for the first time but would never have the guts to play representative football, even though I am much better at football than I am at softball.  

6.  Ever since Andrew and I started going out, I dream of the perfect life we will make together at least a thousand times a day.

7.  I suffer from generalised anxiety disorder.

8.  My pinky fingers are double jointed.

9.  I am fascinated by planes and could sit at the airport all day and watch them fly overhead with one of those radios that pick up the conversations had between pilots and the tower.  

10.  By the time I'm 25, I would like to be a vegetarian.  I have tried thousands of times to become one over the past eight years but I have failed every single time.

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