Tuesday 5 April 2011

blogs worth visiting.

Since being introduced to the world of blogging by my friend, Beth, I have enjoyed keeping up to date with other people's blogs.  I love finding out about other people's views and learning new things through the experiences of others.  Below is a list of my favourite blogs that I follow on a daily basis:

This blog belongs to Beth and one of my favourite blogs by far.  I have been friends with Beth for almost twenty years and although our busy schedules have prevented us from keeping in touch as much as as we would have liked, I love that I can read her blog and be completely up to date with everything that's going on with her.  I also love reading all about her thoughts and her dreams, her blog is so insightful it's as if we keep in touch on a daily basis.  

I first came across this store when I was on holidays in Melbourne at the end of 2010 and instantly fell in love with this store.  I'm sure poor Andrew was keen to leave, but we ended up spending a good hour and a half in the shop as I gazed at the gorgeous items on display.  One of the first things I did when I arrived back in Brisbane was trawl their website for more stationery to buy when I came across their blog, which covers everything from all things Sweden to cocktail recipes, style tips, creative projects and yummy recipes.  All things lovely in the one blog!

I first came across this blog when reading Beth's blog one evening.  Joanne Goddard is a magazine writer and this is her professional website.  She lives in New York with her young family and covers all things beautiful, including fashion, bikes and photography.  Her creativity and commitment to family is what attracted me to this blog and I love imagining myself as this type of mother in a few years to come.

This blog has inspired me to begin the 365 day photo challenge once I have completed the blog challenge.  Those who have accepted the challenge say that it's great to keep a record of the year's experiences and that it's a great way to strengthen photography skills.  Unlike Jen, I will be partaking in the challenge with set themes, rather than taking random photos, as I think it will encourage me to gain new experiences and test my creativity.  

I love this blog for two reasons: 1) there is a new post every few hours and 2) I love every single post.  This blog represents everything I love and adore and there is not one thing on this page that I don't like.  I love her sense of style and could spend forever looking through the photos posted on her page.

This sweet blog is dedicated to recycling materials and using them for art and craft projects.  The ideas are really lovely and are a nice way to use the scrap materials that are laying about.  I plan on completing a few of these creations in the countdown to when we move out so that we can personalise our home with cute little knick knacks without breaking the bank.

The Personal Excellence Blog.

I live by this blog!  This blog is what keeps me on track and I almost consider it as a type of therapy.  Whenever life throws too much at you and it becomes overwhelming, the articles posted on this blog help give you the clarity to decipher what moves to make.  The next blog challenge that I would like complete is actually on this blog and aims to assist the participant in organising their life and making the most out of it.  The articles are quite inspiring and helps us to look at life's problems from a different perspective, making them significantly easier to overcome.

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