Monday 25 April 2011

too many regrets.

I believe life is too short to have regrets, but there are a few things I wish I hadn't done.  I think the difference is that regrets are things we wish we hadn't done but dwell on them rather than learn from our mistakes.  Although there are a few things I wish I hadn't done, I feel like I have learnt from the mistakes, dealt with the bad feelings associated and have tried to make amends where applicable.

I regret my decision to smoke.  There was a period where I was feeling particularly low and seemed to be in self destruct mode, doing things that weren't good for me.  I never liked the idea of smoking and even when I started, I didn't like the idea of doing it.  I continued the habit for a while, when one day I just decided that it was not doing me any favours and I quit there and then.  Although I wish I had never done it, I am proud to say that I was smart enough to quit when I did.

I regret some of the relationships I've had, including certain unhealthy relationships with boys and friends.  However, the outcome of this is that they have taught me what I want and what I don't want in my relationships and these days I find myself only surrounded by wonderful friends and a very loving partner, so I don't regret my old acquaintances completely. 

I regret some of my behaviours, my moodiness, times that I lied instead of braving it and being upfront and honest and times that I was cruel to people.  I accept that nobody is perfect, but there is no excuse for things that I have done in my past and although I cannot change what happened, I make sure I make a conscious effort to rectify my behaviour.

I regret not continuing with my Japanese studies.  I loved studying the subject at school and continued for a couple of years at university, but stopped my Japanese studies as I didn't think I would ever use it within my profession.  I plan on recommencing my studies through the Japanese consulate once I've finished my degree and my goal is to become fluent in the language.

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